Spreadsheet Categories

This feature is optional. If you’d rather not use the categorisation reporting, you can leave the column blank – it won’t affect the calculations in anyway

If you want to see how much your business has spent through the year, you can now categorise expenses as you add them to the Malgra Spreadsheet.

When entering your expense, simply select from the drop down box which category the expense relates to.

List of available categories

Categories Examples
Communications Mobile, Phone, Broadband costs
Equipment iPad, Mobile Phone, Card Reader
Financial Charges for bank, Interest
Office Stationery, pens, paper, etc
Promotional Advertisements, leaflets, etc
Stock (eShop) Recipe Books, tools, eshop items
Subscription Malgra Charges, Office365, Zoom
Travel Train tickets, parking, bus
Other Items not listed above

Reporting on Categories

Within your Annual Report, you’ll find a section dedicated to your categories, with a summary of items from through the financial year. These are totalled up throughout the year, so that you can see how much you’ve spent on each item.

In this example, Equipment is the highest value.

Tip: You can avoid advertisements by logging into your MalgraBooks account
Updated on February 17, 2023
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