Capital Allowances for larger or long-term items Capital Allowances are slightly different to everyday expenses. HMRC understands that a business will have to purchase items to use on...
Apple Store and Google Play Purchases If you use any Apple or Google services on your business mobile phone, you can claim these towards your expenses...
Bank Charges or Credit Card interest You can claim for any bank charges where the business incurs them. These could include: Bank charges (e.g. bounced direct...
Franchise Fees As part of a franchise, the franchisor (the person or organisation selling the product or service) will provide the franchisee...
Facebook Adverts You can claim for any Facebook Adverts which you may have purchased (or for any ‘boosted’ posts), providing these are...
Leaflets, Posters and Banners Where you purchase any type of marketing product, such as leaflets/fliers, posters or banners to advertise your business, you can...
Sundries (Incomes and Expenses) Sundries (where you receive income from Slimming World) is another form of income. However sundries may also be an expense...
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Fees The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is a Governmental office which is designed to uphold information rights. The organisation specifically deals...
Broadband, mobile and phone lines You can claim the business proportion of any broadband and phone line costs which your business uses. If you have...
Marketing Activity: Taster Evenings, competitions and Sampling If you’re running any type of marketing activity, on the basis of growing your business, you can claim for the...